摘要:Merk: Denne artikkelen ble publisert i tidsskriftet FOU i praksis. Tidsskriftet skiftet navn til Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis i september 2019. Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å belyse hvordan konseptet for den nasjonale forskerskolen for lærerutdanningene, NAFOL, er designet, og hvordan oppdraget å være en merverdi i forskerutdanning er konkretisert i forskerskolens akademiske praksiser. Konseptet transformeres når lærerutdanningenes praksislandskap forandres og mulighetsbetingelsene i praksisarkitekturene forandres. Ettersom perspektivet i artikkelen er et innsiderperspektiv,er nødvendig distanse i fortellingen om NAFOL skapt gjennom speiling i enpraksisteori om praksisarkitekturer, og i dialog med en symbolteori om komplementære forståelsesformer fra vitenskap og kunst. NAFOL- konseptet er utviklet i tett samarbeid med nettverksinstitusjonene som er eiere av NAFOL, og i dialog med internasjonale nettverk opptatt av profesjonalisering av forskende lærerutdannere. Sitér: Østern, A.-L. og Smith, K. (2017). NAFOL – en forskerskole for norsk lærerutdanning. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 11(1), 85–109. English abstract English title: NAFOL – a research school for Norwegian teacher education The purpose of this article is to describe how the concept of the National Research School in Teacher Education, NAFOL, was designed, and how the assigned task, to contribute to developing research competence in teacher education, has been operationalized in the Research School’s academic practices. The concept is transformed when the frameworks surrounding teacher education change and the conditions forming the practice architecture are altered. The article is written from an insider perspective, and it has therefore been necessary to establish a distance from the narrators telling the story of NAFOL and place it in a practice theory on practice architectures, and engaging in a dialogue with symbol theory of complementary understandings of science and art. The NAFOL concept is developed in close cooperation with the many partner institutions, the owners of NAFOL, and in discussions with international networks engaged in empowering the researching teacher educator.
其他摘要:Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019. English title: NAFOL – a research school for Norwegian teacher education The purpose of this article is to describe how the concept of the National Research School in Teacher Education, NAFOL, was designed, and how the assigned task, to contribute to developing research competence in teacher education, has been operationalized in the Research School’s academic practices. The concept is transformed when the frameworks surrounding teacher education change and the conditions forming the practice architecture are altered. The article is written from an insider perspective, and it has therefore been necessary to establish a distance from the narrators telling the story of NAFOL and place it in a practice theory on practice architectures, and engaging in a dialogue with symbol theory of complementary understandings of science and art. The NAFOL concept is developed in close cooperation with the many partner institutions, the owners of NAFOL, and in discussions with international networks engaged in empowering the researching teacher educator. Citation: Østern, A.-L. og Smith, K. (2017). NAFOL – en forskerskole for norsk lærerutdanning. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 11(1), 85–109.
关键词:forskerskole for lærerutdanning;NAFOL;teori om praksisarkitekturer;komplementære forståelsesformer;forskningsbasert lærerutdanning;kunnskapsledelse;Research School in Teacher Education;theory of practice architecture;complementary understandings;research based teacher education;knowledge production