期刊名称:Збірник наукових праць Черкаського державного технологічного університету: Серія: Економічні науки
出版社:Черкаський державний технологічний університет
摘要:The article is devoted to the problem of the knowledge management in entrepreneurial ecosystems with the participation of universities, where knowledge exchanges should be intensive. It was important for our study to define, is the notion of a commodity could be used to knowledge. It is shown that the use of tacit and explicit knowledge as objects of management conceals the cognitive gaps between subjects' consciousness and texts or other material presentations of information. Author proposed to supplement the subjective component of knowledge management with the notion of operative knowledge, which corresponds to the concept of knowledge as justified true belief. Operative knowledge may be defined as all of the words and phrases in consciousness, which appear when author seek an optimal version to transmit mental knowledge into explicit material form. By using the concept of operative knowledge, author is define the cognitive gap of actualization between tacit and operational knowledge, and also the cognitive gap of externalization between operational knowledge and the material form of information. It should be noted, that the concepts of operative knowledge and cognitive gaps give the reason to believe, that information management concepts have a more substantiated cognitive basis than the knowledge management ones. Keywords : knowledge management, entrepreneurial ecosystem, commodity, university, operational knowledge, cognitive gap, information, belief.
其他摘要:Introduction . Today an important subject of cooperation between small entrepreneurship and universities is the creation and use of knowledge, and it is essential, is and how knowledge could be a commodity, when the most influential concept defined knowledge as justified true belief. Formulation of the problem . The problem of cognitive products management requires research, since conceptual foundations of knowledge management using the concepts of tacit and explicit knowledge need to be clarified as those that do not take into account cognitive gaps between subjective knowledge and its presentation on material media. The purpose of the article is to determine how we should understand the transition from individual knowledge as justified true belief into explicit form, which may become the commodity or the common good, how essential a gap between the individual conscious and the economically useful forms of information and is this gap a problem for knowledge management. The research methods are the problematization of socio-economic phenomena, the analysis of publications and the search for causal relationships and regularities regarding the transformation of mental states and structures in the form of knowledge into information that can be represented on material carriers, becomes a commodity and an object of management. The main material . It is shown that knowledge management is complicated by the presence of cognitive gaps between the mental content in the consciousness of the authors and their cognitive product, which can be represented on the material carriers, in particular as text. Results and discussion . The concept of operative knowledge, which corresponds to the concept of justified true belief, is proposed. The cognitive gap of actualization between tacit and operational knowledge is determined, as well as the cognitive gap of externalization between operational knowledge and material form of information. It is proved that in the presence of cognitive gaps between the knowledge belonging to the subject and his representation on the material media, there is a reason to say that knowledge is unlikely to be a commodity and information management is more cognitively justified than knowledge management. Conclusion and recommendations . The proposed concept of operational knowledge can be used in the management of information and knowledge, and the cognitive gaps defined in the article need to be accounted for. Further clarification of the concept of knowledge management and information will be needed.