出版社:Institut Agama Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
摘要:The purpose of this research is to obtain an informal picture of proof that is to prove mathematics without words using only images or geometry in mathematics learning. The research method used is a literature study research method which is a review of a literature. Data collection techniques by conducting study studies on literature books, notes, and reports that have to do with the problem of informally informing learning mathematics. The results of the study from the literature study that in the verification of simple theorems, starting with an informal form of images, then only proceed formally. Indeed, not all theorems can be proven without words, for example an indeterminate integral or a theorem that does not contain numerics. If during this time in the classroom learning teachers provide formal formulas directly without making students active, thinking and finding themselves, it is time to turn to learning that requires students to actively think and find their own knowledge.