摘要:The Main Map presented in this paper is the result of intensive fieldwork and mapping of 43 rural communities of the Pátzcuaro and Zirahuén basins in central-western Mexico. It shows the presence of handmade-tortilla workshops and considers the natural resources they demand but also their social, economic and cultural significance in the region. An in-depth survey of 111 Hand Made Tortilla Workshops gave detailed information of tortilla production, type of maize and fuelwood volume demanded in this activity. Traditional tortilla production contributes to the conservation of native maize and indigenous agriculture, and it promotes local and traditional food systems. However, it also represents a challenge given that many of these handmade tortilla workshops use open fire stoves which have negative implications regarding health, environment and pollution in rural livelihoods. This map serves as a platform for local and regional actions within a program involved in eco-technologies and sustainable livelihoods.
关键词:Native maize ; women ; fuel wood ; tortilla ; local food systems ; Purhepecha people