摘要:Land planning and land restoration in drylands affected by desertification require a good understanding of the active geomorphic processes, their intensities and spatial patterns. Traditional Soil and Land Suitability maps do not incorporate this information and may be partially inadequate in that regard, because they necessarily give a ‘static’ representation of the land. The geomorphology of the study area (Feriana district, Central Western Tunisia) is complex, including relict landforms, such as Quaternary pediments, fossil sand dunes, and the evidence of ancient endorheic systems. On the other hand the area is characterized by active and intense geomorphic processes: water and wind erosion, aeolian deposition, and localized present-day endorheism accompanied by water logging and salt accumulation processes. The soils reflect the imprints of multiple past and present pedogenic and geomorphic processes. In this study a Geomorphologic and a Pedo-morphologic Map were produced to provide the local decision makers with cartographic tools to best plan land use options and land restoration. The Maps were drawn at the 1:50,000 scale based on detailed photo-interpretation and on dedicated field surveys.
关键词:drylands; Quaternary forms; wind and water erosion; aeolian accumulation; fossil sand dunes; calcisols and luvisols