摘要:Recently there has been an increasing interest in promoting entrepreneurship among undergraduates, however, there have been few studies focusing on adolescents. The two aims of this research were to demonstrate the reliability and validity of the Attitudes to Entrepreneurship (ATE) test with a sample of Spanish adolescents, and to study the effect of using an intervention based on intergenerational contact on the entrepreneurial potential of young people. Two studies were carried out with these objectives. The results from Study 1 confirmed the reliability of the ATE test; entrepreneurial potential was related to achievement motivation and affected by gender. In Study 2, we used an experimental and control groups design and pre and post-test measures. In the classroom context, older adults were interviewed by students about their life and work experiences. Entrepreneurship was increased by the intergenerational contact in the experimental group, specifically, in the Leadership, Creativity and Achievement factors, in boys. Achievement motivation in the academic context also was increased. The intergenerational contact based on emotional implications and active participation promotes latent entrepreneurship and academic interest.