摘要:В статье проанализирована система политических взглядов знаменитого дипломата И.А. Каподистрии. Уточнены политические идеалы Каподистрии, показана их взаимосвязь с философией эпохи Просвещения и взглядами его русских современников. Было выявлено значительное сходство политических взглядов дипломата и императора Александра I. Автор приходит к выводу, что И.А. Каподистрия считал главным последствием эпохи Революции пробуждение политической активности масс и лучшим способом дать желанные свободы гражданам и сохранить власть в руках государя в данной ситуации является дарование умеренной конституции, которая установит права и обязанности монарха и его подданных.
其他摘要:This article is devoted to the research of the political views of famous diplomat J. Capodistrias. Capodistrias’ political ideals were based on the ideas of the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment (Locke, Montesquieu and others). He considered that any facts have their roots in the past. Consequently he thought that the causes of the actual political events were hidden in the events of the Napoleonic Wars period. In Capodistrias’ opinion, the principal consequence of the Napoleonic Wars was the rise of the public opinion authority. He considered public opinion as the principal factor of the political process. So policy that has no public support is doomed to failure. Capodistrias was a partisan of the autocratic governance. At the same time he was the partisan of the adoption of constitution in European states. Such political views were popular among the Russian political elite. His ideas were close to the views of Emperor Alexander I, his teacher La Harpe, S. S. Uvarov, D. N. Bludov, N. M. Karamzin and many others.