摘要:The article analyzes factors that influence the formation of the humanistic pedagogical position of future speech therapists, understood as a personal phenomenon that integrates values and senses of pedagogical activity of the humanistic directionality. The research characterizes internal and external factors of the formation of the humanistic pedagogical position of future speech therapists. Important internal factors of the formation of the humanistic pedagogical position of future specialists are: • Self-consciousness – adequate self-estimation, axiological self-attitude, reflection as an ability to understand own peculiarities, report to yourself about other’s understanding of them, to form own behavior taking into account probable reactions of important people; • Personal experience – understood as cognition results, accumulated by studied people, based on their sensual practical comprehension at the educational process, in the educational environment and in the wide life context. External factors are educational process and environment, external as to the subjective humanistic pedagogical position of a future specialist: • Attitude to the problem of the formation of the aforementioned position in future speech therapists by teachers of basic educational institutions; • Content filling of curriculums, guiding teaching general and special disciplines for this category of specialists. The professional activity of a speech therapist is a complex of interconnected processes, depending on numerous and diverse factors – internal and external ones. Internal and external factors are analyzed, strong and weak sides of the organization of the educational process and environment under traditional learning conditions that brake the process of formation of the humanistic pedagogical position of future speech therapists are determined, the analysis of an influence of contents of learning programs of the disciplines “Special education. Speech therapy” that determine a strategy and tactics of their teaching was made.
关键词:humanistic pedagogical position of future speech therapist; formation factors of the humanistic pedagogical position.