摘要:Modern civilization processes are due to production processes. In any management system, the enterprise is its key element. The theoretical definitions of the essence of “production” and “enterprise” concepts in certain aspects do not coincide with the corresponding legal definitions. This clearly illustrates the dynamics of domestic legislation at the stages of the adoption of relevant laws of Ukraine from the “Law on Enterprises” to the Economic Code of Ukraine. Prospects for the integration of domestic enterprises into international production networks are significantly dependent on their ability to move to modern management standards, systematically coordinated with sustainable development processes based on innovatization, focused on the requirements of entry into the information society space. In Ukraine, during the period of state independence, the adoption as a national series of key international standards is implemented. But the unevenness of the evolution of the components of both constant and technological development is also determined. This gives rise to corresponding negative consequences and requires a search for mechanisms by which the characteristics of the harmony of the above components will be determined, on the basis of which it will be possible to effectively manage them in order to bring them to the desired state.
关键词:enterprise; system; integration; evolution; international networks; standards; classifications; information; innovation; sustainable development