标题:La gestión ética en los colegios públicos nocturnos-académicos del sistema educativo costarricense, desde la mirada del personal administrativo-docente
其他标题:Ethical management in public night-academic high schools of the costa rican educational
system, from the view of the administrative and teacher personnel
摘要:Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación basada en la encuesta realizada a ungrupo de profesionales administrativo-docentes de colegios nocturnos académicos del sistema públicocostarricense. El estudio recuperó opiniones con respecto a la ética en la gestión de los centroseducativos. Entre los principales resultados se encontró que las percepciones acerca del conocimientode la gestión ética inciden en el quehacer práctico del administrador de centro educativo, pueses donde se concretan y donde el mismo funcionario lo evidencia. Por ende, situaciones vinculadascon la transparencia, el consenso, el diálogo, el respeto, el disenso, entre otros, se reconocen y estánpresentes en la gestión del centro. No obstante, hay que fortalecer la transparencia institucional y eldesarrollo profesional para afianzar los saberes existentes en los administradores educativos sobre lagestión ética de su centro educativo.
其他摘要:This document presents the results of a research based on the survey applied to a group of administrative-professionals
of night academic highschools of the Costa Rica educational public system.
The study recovered opinions about the ethic on the management of schools. A total of 51 workers
of night schools participated in this study (one per each institution). Among the main results, it was
found that the perception about the knowledge of the ethical management, affects the practical task
of the administrator of the school, because it is where they are stablished and it is also where the workers can evidence it, due to the knowledge they have. Therefore, situations related to transparency,
consensus, dialogue, dissent, among others, are known and included in the schools managemente.
However, institutional transparency and professional development must be strengthened in order to
consolidate the existing knowledge in educational administrators about the ethical management of
their educational institution.