摘要:This research is a human resource analysis study, especially studies on employees ofWarung SS Purwokerto. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of EmotionalIntelligence on Job Outcomes and its impact to Turnover Intention on Warung SSPurwokerto. The samples in this study were 86 people who had been selected usingpurposive sampling. This study uses the analysis method of Simple Regression Analysisand Causal Step Method. Hypotheses indicate that emotional intelligence directly affects jobsatisfaction, organizational commitment and Turnover Intention, then job satisfaction andorganizational commitment affects Turnover Intention, next job satisfaction andorganizational commitment affect the effect of emotional intelligence on Turnover Intention.The implications of this study indicate that Turnover Intention affected by emotionalintelligence, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This finding will contribute tofuture research as an additional reference regarding the development of discussions andstudies on human resource management.