摘要:Zusammenfassung Während die Bedeutung des Lehrens und Lernens unternehmerischer Kompetenzen auch in MINT-Studiengängen von der Forschung intensiv diskutiert und politisch weithin gefordert wird, stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit Entrepreneurship Education tatsächlich in den jeweiligen Curricula verankert ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert deshalb einen Überblick über den Status quo der curricularen Verankerung von Entrepreneurship Education am Beispiel der Hochschulen der sechs ostdeutschen Bundesländer einschließlich Berlin. Für alle 1361 MINT-Studiengänge an 58 Hochschulen wurde eine Dokumentenrecherche und -analyse von Studiengangdokumenten durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen eine geringe Verankerung von Entrepreneurship Education in den Curricula der MINT-Studiengänge mit indes auffälligen Unterschieden zwischen den Fächergruppen. Schlüsselwörter: Entrepreneurship Education, MINT, curriculare Verankerung ___________ A descriptive study of entrepreneurship education in STEM degree courses in six German Laender Abstract While the importance of teaching and learning entrepreneurial competencies also in STEM degree courses is intensively discussed in research and widely demanded politically, the question remains to what extent entrepreneurship education is part of the respective curricula. This study delivers an overview of the status quo of curricular anchoring of entrepreneurship education in STEM degree courses for the six East German Laender including Berlin. For a total of 1361 STEM degree courses from 58 East German higher education institutions, an in-depth search and analysis of course documents was conducted. The results show a slight anchoring of entrepreneurship education in the curricula of STEM degree courses. However, noticeable differences between the detailed fields of study can be observed.
其他摘要:While the importance of teaching and learning entrepreneurial competencies also in
STEM degree courses is intensively discussed in research and widely demanded politically, the
question remains to what extent entrepreneurship education is part of the respective curricula.
This study delivers an overview of the status quo of curricular anchoring of entrepreneurship education
in STEM degree courses for the six East German Laender including Berlin. For a total of
1361 STEM degree courses from 58 East German higher education institutions, an in-depth
search and analysis of course documents was conducted. The results show a slight anchoring of
entrepreneurship education in the curricula of STEM degree courses. However, noticeable differences
between the detailed fields of study can be observed.