期刊名称:Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro
出版社:Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
摘要:The purpose of this study describes learning activities that are appropriate to the psychomotor taxonomy level of students from various levels of education so that teachers better understand the psychomotor taxonomy class in accordance with the ideal theory. This research was conducted using a qualitative method, with the subject this research consisting samples of students level psychomotor development in metro city . The object seen in this study is the psychomotor development of students. The procedure of this study consists of 3 stages; 1) Making work guidelines for observers in the form of student development modules. 2) Data collection. 3) Processing of observational data. Psychomotor activities that are applied in the learning process and in accordance with psychomotor development are Level 2 and 3; namely 1) manipulation (P2) is an activity aid that has never been seen before about guidelines or instructions. Indicators that attend (P2) make / communicate a work. 2) experience (naturalization) (P3) is the ability to carry out reflex activities, namely physical facilitating activities that improve work efficiency. indicators taken (P3) Learning models that can develop P2 level psychology models are vocational and cooperative learning models, for P3 psychomotor models can be developed using peer tutoring learning models.