期刊名称:Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro
出版社:Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
摘要:Discovery learning is one of the approaches that applied to science learning. Discovery learning designed to engage students in an activity that leads them to "discover" the intended content. However, based on the results of the implementation of discovery learning previously, a crucial fact came up. Without guidance, students sometimes make discoveries other than as intended. This classroom action research conducted in four cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation with observation, and reflection. The worksheets were applied in discovery learning as guidance for students in carrying out discovery activities. The subjects of the research were 15 students participating in plant morphology course. Data collected include students ability to find concepts; and students cognitive skills. Data analyzed with qualitative descriptive techniques. The assessment of students' ability to find concepts increased in each cycle, from 2.87 in cycle 1, becomes 3.33 in the last cycle. This result shows that students are able to find the intended concept, according to the guidance given by the student worksheets. Assessment of students’ cognitive skills shows the increase from the pretest score to the posttest score. In the first cycle, the increase in students' cognitive skills are 4.00; then 3.9 in cycle two; 4.97 in the third cycle; and 5.13 in the last cycle. Based on that data, can be concluded that the implementation of student worksheets on guided discovery learning can improve students’ discovery ability and cognitive skills in plant morphology course. Â.