期刊名称:Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro
出版社:Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
摘要:This research was to now there was any influence of variant dose of lemongrass solvent toward the mortality of mosquitoes larvae Aedes sp,to know the solvent dose of lemongrass was the most effective to decrease mosquitoes larvae Aedes sp, to find out the potential results of the research as the learning source of biology at the eleventh grade of SMP in odd semester. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD or RAL) as the research design. Dependent Variable in this research was the mortality of Aedes sp larvae and the independent variable was the variation of lemongrass solvent (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%). This research was done with giving the variation lemongrass solvent dose in a plastic glass. At that time the researcher filled ten larvae into the glass in every treatment with 5 replication and then counted how many larvae which have dead in 24 hours. The interval of the research was 2 hours. The data analysis was a non-parametric test of Wallis- Kruskal one-way. Based on the result of the observation during 24 hours toward the average mortality of Aedes sp larvae from the lowest up to the highest are the treatment 15% become 38, the treatment 20% into 52%, the treatment 25% turn out 66%, the treatment 30% become 86% and the last the treatment 35% increased in 98%. Based on analysis test result of Wallis Kruskal, the researcher got the coefficient H = x2 arithmetic 33,79% > x2 table 19,67 on α 0,05. It means that there was an influence lemongrass solvent variation toward the mortality of Aedes sp larvae. The content of lemongrass solvent dose 35% was the best and it has the biggest influence to decrease the mortality of Aedes sp larvae. The result of this research can be used as the biology learning source at the eighth grade of junior high school in odd semester then it is suitable for the sub-material of metamorphosis in animals.
关键词:tumbuhan pewarna alami; Worksheet Students Full TextPDF (Bahasa Indonesia) References Adiseputra; I Gede Karang;2009;Tanaman Serai Untuk Membunuh Nyamuk;IPTEKMA;Vol 1.No.1;ISSN2086-1354.