期刊名称:Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro
出版社:Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
摘要:Learning process is most emphasized for how student learn to a concept which can we get from environment. Teacher can exploiting research product as media and source learn to student to be understands concept easier. Data which got to analize pass from Analysis Variation (ANAVA) is obtained from F hit 15,98 > F daf 2,35 in real level 0,05, so that F hit > F daf , so refuse H 0 dan H 1  accepted. While from test “Beda Nyata Jujur†obtained treat B gives best influent for eggplant production, because diferencce between treat B by traet A, C, and D is biggest than BNJ value. From this analysis has cocluded there is influence organic fertilizer for eggplant plant, and with combination organic (pen 50%:compost 50%) gives best influent for eggplant production. Benefit from research product as resource Biologi program for Senior High School is to supports interest competence based on KTSP and hoped student can apply their comprehension about growth and blooming concept in everyday life, so, in learning activity is most emphasized to skill process.
关键词:kombinasi pupuk organik; produksi terung;Full TextPDF (Bahasa Indonesia) References Arifin;2002;Sukses Membuat Kompos dari Sampah;JakartaAgro Media Pustaka.