摘要:Football as one of many favorite of entertainment by the people indonesia, make
management practices football must be held a good based on the principles of
professionalism, fairplay and also independence, it is very important to remember football
need resources supporters that are large, both in any material thing and non matter, hence
the involvement of various parties should have be addressed wisely, so that a sportive spirit
and sincerity of steakholder should always emphasized.Conflict that appears sometimes
caused by several things, for his: 1). the difference of interest between steakholder
persepakbolaan land water to move could set conflict, 2 ). Allocation power and authority
uneven, so as to make steakholder persepakbolaan in the country each other scrambling
power, 3 ).The emergence of a powerful person who is outside system, often affect the owner
rights in decision-making and decision-making, so as to make the decision and policy that
has been taken is segmented oriented. he condition that is what often makes persepakbolaan
land water into unstable , so that necessary step’s: 1 .Conflict resolution through persuasive
approach through actor’s who has the authority to sit with and discuss conflict resolution ,
like what ever be done by the youth and roy suryo, 2 ) .penyelesaian conflict by the way the
termination of activity persepakbolaan in total, Then forming and memproyeksiakan
persepakbolaan with the the new guy and energy professionals from abroad , so that
netralitasnya can be maintained, 3 ). Conflict resolution through revolution persepakbolaan
the country, with to change the system persepakbolaan land management water and stop
government interference, and fully returned to the community, with the principles of: of the
people , by people for people.
关键词:Konflik Sepakbola; Kekuasaan dan Kewenangan; di Ranah Publik.