摘要:Ponorogo as an object study art and culture is often done by various parties but as an
object a study involving different perspectives are rare.Research with the heading: resistance
cultural the community somoroto over sketch history the origins ponorogo by the district
government ponorogo, is one of penelitiian intended to assess the culture of different
perspectives: social - culture, history and poltik. This research mean to find penjelesan about
the background of or motive until masyararakat somoroto hold sugarcanes pusaka grebeg
cover suro with the spirit of self-reliance a year penyelenggaraanya to discuss their separate
that have been carried out by the kabupaten ponorogo.The phenomenon this social-budaya
researched with the methods the interview and observation. Key informants this research
consists of community figures somoroto, the local government officials ponorogo, sugarcanes
audience and residents common ponorogo. The figures be asked for the information was
because the figure which consists of the warok was the creators the cultural activities.
Intepretative - understanding is a method of an analyzer used in this research given that it is
not all of the data can be obtained by using the method the other. Research has produced a
conclusion important: first , that the community somoro with activities sugarcanes his
inheritance have done resistance kulturalnya to demand the right its history. Second, the
potential conflicts are high because the “ cultural activities who do not examined further”.