摘要:Ponorogo is any of the cities of the western end of the province of east java have
distinctive art namely reyog ponorogo. Art is one of wealth national art be an asset of the
nation to the culture of the world. Reyog own supposing already mendarah meat and coalesce
in social life in the community ponorogo .This is reflected in the large number of even held
both in the village level, the kecamatan or the national level. Will this of art diwujudakan in
various forms, one of them is the sort of public or rather a landmark which is typical and
identity of this city. If we look at further, public buildings in the entrance district ponorogo of
four corners have a difference compared with several buildings have cirikhas or related to
reyog itself. So it is with some the entrance to the people of different from downtown. This
research trying to discover meaning contained in any building characterized by reyog and
trying to find the symbolic interaction happened between the building seen from different sides
communication. “Mind“, self and society of mead interactions symbolic is a fundamental
theories that became the in analysis phenomenon is ponorogo this. The importance of
purpose to human behavior, the importance of the concept of out of, the relationship between
individual by communities is the fundamental concept of the buildings that characterizes a
condition community social present in the tersebut.metode this research uses the method
kualitiatif where data taken with tekhnik snowball sampling. Output of the study it expresses
that kabupaten ponorogo built for four era different in the point of view of the handling art
reyog this as the identity and pride of Ponorogo as a city reyog. Political, economic,
education impact on power copyright, think, and karsa in the formation of public facilities in
the form of tugu or the gate (A Landmark). Social conditions influenced by community groups
dominant may contribute diversity in the formation of identity in this city.