期刊名称:Jurnal Indria: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Prasekolah dan Sekolah Awal
出版社:Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
摘要:Partisipasi masyarakat sangat penting dalam keberhasilan implementasimanajemen berbasis sekolah. Tantangan pendidikan bagi pendidik di eradigital saat ini sangat berat. Kemajuan teknologi mengharuskan pendidikkreatif berinovasi dalam pembelajaran, serta sekolah harus memperhatikanmanajemen sekolah. Namun, partisipasi masyarakat juga diperlukan untukmengatasi tantangan pendidikan di era digital. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk menentukan peran masyarakat dalam implementasi manajemenberbasis sekolah untuk menghadapi era digital. Metode penelitian ini adalahmetode penelitian kualitatif. Dari hasil wawancara dan observasi, SDN 02Jetis selalu memberdayakan masyarakat di setiap kegiatan sekolah danmengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam kemajuan prestasi siswa danbekerja sama dalam mengawasi kemajuan prestasi siswa. Kepala sekolah SDN02 Jetis mengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam meningkatkanpencapaian peserta didik terutama dalam menghadapi tantangan di era digital.
其他摘要:Community participation is crucial in the successful implementation of school- based management. Educational challenges for educators in the current digital era are very heavy. Technological advances require that creative educators innovate in learning, as well as schools should pay close attention to school management. However, community participation is also needed to overcome the challenges of education in the digital era. The puspose of this study is to determine the role of the community in the implementation of school-based management to deal with the digital era. This research method is a qualitative research method. From the results of interviews and observations, SDN 02 Jetis always empowers the community in every school activity and invites the community to participate in the progress of the students achievements and cooperates in supervising the progress of students achivements. The principal of SDN 02 Jetis invites the community to participate in improving the achievement of learners especially in facing the challenges in the digital era.
关键词:yoga asana; creativity;
early childhood
其他关键词:Community Participation; School-based Management; Digital Era.