摘要:The purpose of this study is to describe the role of learning leadership andthe obstacles faced by school principals in improving student learning outcomes atSMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen. This research is a qualitative research thatproduces descriptive data in the form of words, written or oral from people and observedbehavior. Data collection techniques carried out by in-depth interviews, observation,and documentation. Data analysis techniques using an interactive model of analysis.The results showed, first, the principal was the most instrumental element in improvingthe quality of education and learning. Learning leadership at SMK Pelita BangsaSumberlawang Sragen is carried out in 3 dimensions, namely through the formulation ofschool missions, good learning management, and building a conducive school climate.Second, the obstacles in implementing leadership learning in SMK Pelita BangsaSumberlawang Sragen include several things, namely the lack of professional teachers,conventional curriculum, incomplete supervision, and incomplete learning infrastructure.