摘要:The teacher has a vital and fundamental role as an agent of change in helpingand guiding students in the process of changing from not knowing to knowing, notunderstanding to understanding, not mastering to mastering and so on. Such circumstancesindicate that it is appropriate to improve the professional competence of teachers. Thepurpose of this study is to describe the professional competence of junior high schoolteachers. The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniquesthrough observation, interviews and documentation. Data validation is done throughtriangulation, with analysis of data flow methods with the process: data collection, datareduction, then presented, followed by conclusions and verification. The results showedthat the professional competence of teachers showed an average of 1.33 in poor condition.Specifically if related to teacher perceptions, it can be seen from the competencies aboutpersonality and competencies about carrying out tasks. Perspesi regarding personalityis related to work discipline, work morality, loyalty, responsibility and human relations,while the perception of competence in carrying out tasks is related to work suitability andfluency in carrying out tasks.