标题:Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Materi Bangun Segiempat Melalui Model Discovery Learning pada Siswa Kelas VII C SMP Negeri 3 Teras Kabupaten Boyolali Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018
摘要:This research is motivated by the factual condition of the demand forimproving the quality of education supported by the implementation of the thirteencurriculum through the discovery learning model of building a quadrilateral. Thisstudy aims to describe the improvement of learning achievement of semicircle buildingmaterial through the discovery learning model in the students of class 2017/2018.Subjects and sources of research data are as many as 25 students. Data collectiontechniques use observation, documentation, and tests. Data analysis uses criticaland comparative analysis. The indicator of success using minimum learning mastery(KBM) of 65 and 100% completeness target class. The research procedure usescycles. The progress of student achievement in the mathematics learning material ofrectangle building, at the initial average condition is 60 and the average cycle I is 67and the average cycle II is 80. From this data, it is clear that there is an increase inthe average value of the initial condition to cycle I is 7 digits (12%), from cycle I tocycle II there is an increase of 13 digits (19%), from the initial condition to cycle IIthere is an increase of 20 digits (33%). The highest score of learning achievement inthe initial condition is 72, the first cycle is 78, and the second cycle is 92. The highestvalue increase from the initial condition to cycle I is 6 digits (10%), from cycle I tocycle II there is an increase of 14 digits (18%), and from cycle to cycle II there was a22 digit increase (28%). The lowest score of the initial condition is 50, the first cycleis 58, and the second cycle is 70. The lowest increase from the initial condition tocycle I is 8 digits (16%), from cycle I to cycle II there is a 12 digit increase (21 %),and from cycle to cycle II an increase of 20 digits (40%). Percentage of learningachievement was obtained at initial condition equal to 24% and in cycle I was 56%and cycle II was 100%. Student achievement from the initial condition to the firstcycle occurs 22% increase in class attainment, from cycle I to cycle II an increaseof 44%, and from the initial condition to cycle II an increase of 66%. This meansthat the students’ learning achievement in the mathematics learning from the initialcondition until the second cycle there is a significant increase. Thus, it is affirmedthat through the discovery learning model can optimize the achievement of learningmaterial rectangle building.