摘要:Dengue Haemoragic Fever is one of infectious diseases which can cause death. The spreading of this disease is caused by Aedes aegypti biting that carries Dengue Virus in its body. The importance of the mosquito elimination by fogging is to kill adult mosquitoes which contain Dengue Virus and are ready to infect ather people. So that the spreading cahin can be severed.The elimination of Aedes aegypti done in Hajjah Nuriah Shabran School of Koranic studies showed satisfying result. After evaluating this location, it could be seen that there was no Aedes aegypti, at least its density was decreased. It also could be noticed that the common environment cleanliness was increasing, there was no more Aedes aegypti breeding places and the larvae did not exist any longer. Finally, there is understanding and awareness increasing of the school of Kuranic Studies members in taking care of environment cleanliness properly to eliminate mosquito and the Aedes aegypti breeding places.