摘要:A formação do Acervo Plínio Ayrosa teve início em 1935, idealizado pelo professor Plínio Ayrosa, do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de São Paulo. O acervo, atualmente salvaguardado pelo Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo, é composto por uma grande variedade de artefatos, entre líticos, plumárias, cerâmicas e cestarias. São apresentados aqui os resultados do estudo curatorial do material arqueológico lítico deste acervo, composto por 263 peças. O estudo deste material revelou uma coleção de diversidade tipológica, tecnológica e cultural ímpares, contando com alguns artefatos singulares da arqueologia brasileira. Neste artigo são abordados a formação do antigo Acervo Plínio Ayrosa, a composição de sua coleção lítica arqueológica e o potencial de coleções antigas na construção do conhecimento em arqueologia. Abstract: The Plínio Ayrosa Collection (APA) began in 1935, conceived by Plínio Ayrosa, former professor of the Department of Anthropology of University of São Paulo. The collection, currently stored at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, is composed of a wide variety of artifacts, including lithic, feather items, ceramics and basketry. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a curatorial study of the lithic archaeological materials, which involve a set of 263 artifacts. The study of these materials revealed that the collection presents important information in terms of its typological, technological and cultural diversity, with some unique artifacts of Brazilian archaeology. This article will provide an overview on the formation of APA and the composition of its lithic set of artifacts.
其他摘要:The Plínio Ayrosa Collection (APA) began in 1935, conceived by Plínio Ayrosa, former professor of the Department of Anthropology of University of São Paulo. The collection, currently stored at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, is composed of a wide variety of artifacts, including lithic, feather items, ceramics and basketry. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a curatorial study of the lithic archaeological materials, which involve a set of 263 artifacts. The study of these materials revealed that the collection presents important information in terms of its typological, technological and cultural diversity, with some unique artifacts of Brazilian archaeology. This article will provide an overview on the formation of APA and the composition of its lithic set of artifacts.
关键词:Curadoria de acervos; Coleções antigas; Indústrias líticas
其他关键词:Curatorial studies; Museum collections; Lithic industries.