摘要:Unquestionably, discussions on the internationalization of higher education have gained currency in the educational context (KNIGHT, 2004; ALTBACH; KNIGHT, 2007; DELGADO-MÁRQUEZ; HURTADO-TORRES; BONDAR, 2011), and language policies prove to be a crucial issue in the internationalization arena. In this regard, Paraná’s government created the Paraná Speaks Languages (English) Program in order to meet the demands of such internationalization. With this background in mind, this study aimed to provide a bibliographicanalysis of the research on the aforementioned institutional program. Moreover, the study seeks to answer the following research inquiry: What is the focus of the body of literature on the Paraná Speaks English Program? Following the academic procedures of the bibliographic research, only three studies (MARSON, BORGES, 2015; EL KADRI, DI RAIMO, 2017; MARSON, 2017) were found and analyzed under a qualitative perspective. Results show that the literature in this topic is significant scarce. Besides, the studies scrutinized are centered on virtual and real gains promoted by the program. Such gains concern the improvement in language proficiency, which in turn strengthens academic mobility and the internationalization of higher education.