摘要:This research aimed to find: (1) the difficulties possibly faced by subjects in managing personal construct when filling Tschudi ABC format; (2) key personal construct recognized by subjects in their present and desired positions; (3) the results of subjects’ learning culture internalization to the implementation of Tschudi ABC Model. This study used a qualitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research, the empirical phenomenological variant. The observed subjects were determined by purposive sampling, taken from the students of Multicultural Counseling class. The research informants were determined through snowballing. The data collection was conducted via a medium participatory observation and in-depth interview. The individual analysis was employed in the form of dynamic analysis of the research subjects’ individual personality. This research found that: (1) there was a difficulty in the form of contradiction and disparity in personal construct management. According to the subjects, compromise and synchronization of thoughts and attitudes were effective in settling the self-denial and gap; (2) The tendency of the change of subjects’ key personal construct was intentional accompanied by discursive awareness versus withdrawal and stagnant. There was a change of key personal construct to the more productive and non-productive orientation; (3) The function of “good news” versus “bad news” was very strong in the internalization of subjects’ learning culture. Providing “good news” (positive feedback) gave rise to more non-formal and affective internalization of learning culture with the purpose stated consciously and obviously, as well as concrete, clear, decisive, and straightforward plans. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan: (1) kemungkinan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh subjek dalam kelola konstruk pribadi ketika mengisi format ABC Tschudi; (2) konstruk pribadi kunci yang dikenali oleh para subjek dalam posisi sekarang dan posisi yang dituju; (3) hasil internalisasi budaya belajar subjek atas penerapan Model ABC Tschudi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif tipe penelitian tindakan kelas, varian fenomenologi empirik. Subjek terteliti ditetapkan melalui teknik “ purposive sampling ”, para peserta kuliah dalam kelas Konseling Multibudaya. Informan penelitian ditetapkan secara snowballing . Pengumpulan data melalui observasi berpartisipasi medium dan wawancara mendalam. Digunakan unit analisis individual yaitu analisis dinamika konstruk pribadi perseorangan dari subjek penelitian. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) ada kesulitan berupa pertentangan dan kesenjangan dalam kelola konstruk pribadi. Kompromi dan sinkronisasi pemikiran serta sikap merupakan cara efektif yang dinyatakan oleh subjek untuk mengatasi pertentangan dan kesenjangan dalam diri; (2) kecenderungan perubahan konstruksi pribadi kunci subjek adalah intensional disertai kesadaran diskursif versus withdrawal dan stagnan. Ada perubahan konstruk pribadi kunci ke arah yang lebih produktif dan ada yang ke arah non-produktif; (3) sangat kuat fungsi “kabar gembira” versus “bukan kabar gembira” dalam internalisasi budaya belajar subjek. Pemberian “kabar gembira” (balikan positif) menimbulkan internalisasi budaya belajar secara lebih non-formal afektif dengan tujuan yang dinyatakan secara sadar dan jelas, dan rencana tindakan yang konkret, jelas, tegas, dan lugas.
关键词:group guidance; learning culture; good news; Tschudi ABC Model