摘要:The aim of the researh was to describe the effectiveness of industrial appreticeship program of mechanical engineering education students, the Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. The research was a qualitative approach research. To measure the effectiveness of the apprenticeship program the research used CIPP (context, input, process, product) model introduced by Stuflebeam. The data of the research was collected by using interview and observation method, and completed by documentation. From the context side, the goal of the apprenticeship can fullfil the hope of industry to answer the lack of competencies of the vocational school teacher candidates, while from the input side, the the strategy implemented by the management in finding and selecting the industry by the students can not assure the feasibility of the industry for apprenticeship. From the process side, due to the budgetary, the gude lines as prescribed in the guide book are not fully implemented, the lecturers as the conselor can not perform as prescribe in the guide book. From the product side, in general the apprentisechip can be categorized as effective, the students doing their work mostly more than 256 hours as prescribed in the regulation. The subject of the apprenticeship focus are the management and the skill relevance to the concentration of the students, the skill reletaed to the concentration can be categorized as effctice, but on the management side, the apprenticeship can be categorized as not effective. Ther is no one of the student learning the management of the company in the industry the students doing apprenticeship.
其他摘要:The aim of the researh was to describe the effectiveness of industrial appreticeship program of mechanical engineering education students, the Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. The research was a qualitative approach research. To measure the effectiveness of the apprenticeship program the research used CIPP (context, input, process, product) model introduced by Stuflebeam. The data of the research was collected by using interview and observation method, and completed by documentation. From the context side, the goal of the apprenticeship can fullfil the hope of industry to answer the lack of competencies of the vocational school teacher candidates, while from the input side, the the strategy implemented by the management in finding and selecting the industry by the students can not assure the feasibility of the industry for apprenticeship. From the process side, due to the budgetary, the gude lines as prescribed in the guide book are not fully implemented, the lecturers as the conselor can not perform as prescribe in the guide book. From the product side, in general the apprentisechip can be categorized as effective, the students doing their work mostly more than 256 hours as prescribed in the regulation. The subject of the apprenticeship focus are the management and the skill relevance to the concentration of the students, the skill reletaed to the concentration can be categorized as effctice, but on the management side, the apprenticeship can be categorized as not effective. Ther is no one of the student learning the management of the company in the industry the students doing apprenticeship.
关键词:apprenticeship; effectiveness; CIPP Article Statistic Sari view : 352 times PDF (BAHASA INDONESIA) (English) views : 2109 times Unduh file PDF ini File PDF yang Anda pilih harus dimuat di sini jika perambah web mempunyai plugin PDF reader diinstall (sebagai contoh: versi sekarang dari Adobe Acrobat Reader );Alternatif lain; Anda juga bisa mengunduh file PDF langsung ke komputer Anda; dan bisa dibuka dengan menggunakan PDF reader;Untuk mengunduh PDF; klik tautan Unduh di bawah ini Jika ada membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mencetak; simpan dan bekerja dengan PDF; menyediakan Highwire Press bantuan Pertanyaan yang sering diajuka mengenai PDF ;"; $("#inlinePdf").html(embedCode); if($("#pluginMissing").is(":hidden")) { $('#fullscreenShow').show(); $("#inlinePdf").resizable({ containment: 'parent'; handles: 'se' }); } else { ;; Chrome Mac hides the embed object; obscuring the text;Reinsert;$("#inlinePdf").html(' File PDF yang Anda pilih harus dimuat di sini jika perambah web mempunyai plugin PDF reader diinstall (sebagai contoh: versi sekarang dari Adobe Acrobat Reader );Alternatif lain; Anda juga bisa mengunduh file PDF langsung ke komputer Anda; dan bisa dibuka dengan menggunakan PDF reader;Untuk mengunduh PDF; klik tautan Unduh di bawah ini Jika ada membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mencetak; simpan dan bekerja dengan PDF; menyediakan Highwire Press bantuan Pertanyaan yang sering diajuka mengenai PDF ;'); } } else { var success = new PDFObject({ url: "http:;;jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id;index.php;tamanvokasi;article;viewFile;2528;1478" }).embed("inlinePdf"); if (success) { ;; PDF was embedded; enbale fullscreen mode and the resizable widget $('#fullscreenShow').show(); $("#inlinePdfResizer").resizable({ containment: 'parent'; handles: 'se' }); } } }); ;; ;;> File PDF yang Anda pilih harus dimuat di sini jika perambah web mempunyai plugin PDF reader diinstall (sebagai contoh: versi sekarang dari Adobe Acrobat Reader ).