摘要:The objective of study to determine the effect of Guided Inquiry learning models to student learning outcomes and student’s activity in dynamic electrical topic. This type of research is quasi-experimental design of the Pretest-Posttest Design Control Group. The research was conducted at SMA Swasta Katolik Budi Murni 3 Medan in A.Y 2017/2018. The population of research was all students of class X. Sampling is done by random sampling by taking two classes randomly, namely class X-A as the control class and class X-B as the experiment class. The instrument used in the study was a test of learning outcomes and an observation sheet of student learning activities. Learning outcomes test in the form of a test essay with a number of 15 questions and before using the question validated by the validator. The study was conducted by giving measurements in the form of a pretest and then given treatment with a guided inquiry learning model and within a certain period of time and then given a posttest. The results of data analysis using the t test of one party shows that there are differences due to the influence of the guided inquiry learning model on student learning outcomes in Dynamic Electrical material.