摘要:This study discusses about the communication function of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Twitter account as an Implementer Governor of DKI Jakarta. This study was conducted using content analysis method with qualitative descriptive approach. The data that used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The primary data was in the form of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s tweet content, @Basuki_btp from 2nd June 2014 until 28th November 2014. While the secondary data was in the form of data and information obtained through the interviews. The result of this study are Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as an Implementer Governor of DKI Jakarta has been running the communication function quite well. It was proven by total 55 tweets from his account, 36 tweets can be categorized into informing function, five tweets can be categorized into the educating function and two tweets that can be categorized into the influencing function in accordance to the communication function described by Onong Uchjana Effendy.
其他摘要:Abstract: This study discusses about the communication function of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s Twitter account as an Implementer Governor of DKI Jakarta. This study was conducted using content analysis method with qualitative descriptive approach. The data that used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The primary data was in the form of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s tweet content, @Basuki_btp from 2 nd June 2014 until 28 th November 2014. While the secondary data was in the form of data and information obtained through the interviews. The result of this study are Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as an Implementer Governor of DKI Jakarta has been running the communication function quite well. It was proven by total 55 tweets from his account, 36 tweets can be categorized into informing function, five tweets can be categorized into the educating function and two tweets that can be categorized into the influencing function in accordance to the communication function described by Onong Uchjana Effendy. Abstrak : Penelitian ini membahas tentang fungsi komunikasi Basuki Tjahaja Purnama sebagai seorang Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur DKI Jakarta dalam menggunakan media sosial Twitter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi, dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer berupa isi tweet dari akun Twitter @Basuki_btp dengan periode 2 Juni 2014 hingga 28 November 2014. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa data atau informasi yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa Basuki Tjahaja Purnama sebagai seorang Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur DKI Jakarta telah menjalankan fungsi komunikasi dengan cukup baik. Hal ini terbukti dengan dari total 55 tweet yang di analisis, 36 tweet dapat dikategorikan ke dalam fungsi menginformasikan, lima tweet dapat dikategorikan ke dalam fungsi mendidik dan dua tweet yang dapat dikategorikan ke dalam fungsi mempengaruhi sesuai dengan fungsi komunikasi yang dipaparkan oleh Onong Uchjana Effendy.