出版社:Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at Kiel University
摘要:Since 2009, various research groups within the framework of the Priority Program 1400 “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation” have investigated the material legacy from societies of Funnel Beaker times in North Central Europe. Especially for this time period, stone tools are an essential source material for the analysis of local and regional phenomena. A basic guideline for material processing in the Priority Program is the use of a common, overarching classification system for artifacts. The starting point is the recording system “Systematische und digitale Erfassung von Steinartefakten” (SDS) that was developed by Anselm Drafehn, Marcel Bradtmöller and Doris Mischka (Drafehn et al. 2008) for the comparative, regional and cross-project recording of stone tools. During its application in connection with local material, it became obvious, however, that it was necessary to adjust the herein established classification. In the following, definitions for flint material, which originated from the efforts of the working group “AG Steine”, will be introduced.