摘要:This article attempts to unravel the failure of Arabic learning in formal education institutions and tries to offer alternative solutions. The failure of formal education institutions in learning Arabic is mostly due to the lack of clarity in the vision of the policy makers on the position and significance of Arabic materials. This is reflected in the policy regarding the frequency of face-to-face learning, qualificat-ions of teaching staff, preparation of textbooks, and the position of Arabic language materials which are still not included in the category of national examination materials. The success of Assunniyyah Islamic Boarding School in Kencong Jember in learning Arabic is because they are able to present bī’ah ‘ArabÄ«yah (Arabic milieu) in the pesantren, even though they use ta’zÄ«r as one of their approaches. Formal education institutions are less successful, or even fail in learning Arabic because they fail to present bī’ah ‘ArabÄ«yah in their neighborhood. There are many points that need to be addressed in the context of designing Arabic learning in the formal education environment, both related to the creation of the environment, teacher qualifications and standardization of textbooks as learning resources, or related to the position of Arabic as material that adequately deter-mines student graduation.