摘要:RESUMEN: Presentamos una pizarra -probablemente empleada para conjurar el granizo- que porta un texto fragmentario en el que ha podido reconocerse un pasaje de la Passio Bartholomaei. Este hecho, unido a otros argumentos epigráficos, lingüísticos y arqueológicos, nos lleva a proponer una datación del epígrafe en el siglo X. Su estrecha relación con el conocido epígrafe asturiano de Carrio vendría a replantear algunos problemas de las denominadas pizarras visigodas. ABSTRACT: We present a slate, probably used as a charm for warding off hail, that carries a fragmentary text in which we have been able to recognize a passage from the Passio Bartholomaei. This fact, together with other epigraphic, linguistic and archaeological considerations, lead us to propose a dating of the inscription in the 10th century A.D. Its narrow relation with the well known inscription of Carrio (Asturias) would imply the reframing of some problems concerning the so-called Visigothic slates.