标题:Pengaruh Kompensasi, Motivasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Di Lingkungan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kota Bandung
摘要:This research was conducted at the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) in Bandung. The results of preliminary studies indicate that the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Hospital Bandung is not optimal. Not optimal performance Civil Servants (PNS), presumably because the compensation is not timely and still not meet the expectations of employees, is still a relatively low employee motivation and job satisfaction of employees is low. Departing from the above phenomena problem formulated in this study as follows: How compensation, how the work motivation, job satisfaction and how how employee performance. How much influence compensation, employee motivation, job satisfaction on the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Bandung either individually or simultaneously. The method used is the descriptive and verification method, the number of respondents 183 people. The data analysis technique used is the correlation technique to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between the study variables and path analysis techniques to determine the effect, directly or indirectly, the independent variable on the dependent variable. In the operationalization used SPSS 17.0. and 8:30 LISREL program. The results showed that compensation is in the category is not appropriate, work motivation is at a low category, job satisfaction is at a low category and performance are the unfavorable category. The direct effect of compensation on the performance of civil servants (PNS) in the Environment Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Bandung at 15.26%, the indirect influence through the motivation of 7.04% and an indirect effect through the satisfaction of 5.26%, so that the total effect of 27.56%. Direct influence on the performance of work motivation of 9.12%, the indirect effect through compensation of 7.04% and an indirect effect through job satisfaction of 3.00%, so that the total effect of 19.16%. The direct effect of job satisfaction on the performance of 13.31% and an indirect effect through compensation of 5.26% and an indirect effect through the work motivation of 3.00%, so that the total effect of 21.57%.