摘要:The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of work attitudes consisting of cognitive, affective, and conative aspects on employee task performance. The research method with a quantitative approach and surveyed employees at one retail company in Bandung as many as 43 employees. The data analysis method uses path analysis. The results showed that the Cognitive variable (X1) to Performance (Y) was 0.352, the path coefficient of the Affective variable (X2) to Performance (Y) was 0.360, and the path coefficient of the Conative variable (X3) to Performance (Y) was 0.257. The path coefficients of the variable Ɛ (epsilon) are: PyƐ = 1 - 0.792 = 0.208, and the influence of Cognitive (X1), Affective (X2) and Conative (X3) variables simultaneously is 0.792.