摘要:Aquest article fa una síntesi de la teoria del nacionalisme a l’obra d’Anderson i reivindica la seva vigència per a les nacions sense estat. L’autor argumenta a partir de les interpretacions que s’han fet de la definició andersoniana de nació com a comunitats imaginades. La definició d’Anderson es presenta com a universal, realista i capaç d’englobar les diverses facetes —opressora i alliberadora— del nacionalisme. Finalment, conclou amb una petita reflexió sobre la complexitat de la identitat nacional als Països Catalans des del punt de vista andersonià.↓This article synthetizes Anderson’s theory of nationalism and claims its validity to stateless nations. The author discusses diverse interpretations of the andersonian theory of nations as imagined communities. Anderson’s definition is portraited asuniversal, realist and capable to encompass the different sides of nationalism as an oppressive or liberation movement. Finally, it concludes with a brief reflection on the complexity of national identity in the Catalan Countries from an Andersonian point of view.
其他摘要:This article synthetizes Anderson’s theory of nationalism and claims its validity to stateless nations. The author discusses diverse interpretations of the andersonian theory of nations as imagined communities. Anderson’s definition is portraited asuniversal, realist and capable to encompass the different sides of nationalism as an oppressive or liberation movement. Finally, it concludes with a brief reflection on the complexity of national identity in the Catalan Countries from an Andersonian point of view.