摘要:A voz é fundamental para o exercício da docência, requerendo intenso e adequado processamento muscular para atender à demanda em sala de aula.Elevadas prevalências de distúrbio vocal e falta ao trabalho por causa da voz entre professores tem sido confirmados.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as representações sociais sobre o distúrbio vocal e o enfrentamento do problema, elaboradas por professores em tratamento fonoaudiológico.Realizou-se dezoito entrevistas semi-estruturadas por meio de grupos focais, as quais foram submetidas à análise temática.De modo geral, as representações sociais sobre os distúrbios da voz e as ações institucionais a ele associadas (gestão e assistência) influenciam a declaração, o reconhecimento e o enfrentamento do problema, opostamente visto como disfonia ocupacional e doença individual.Identificou-se um paradoxo entre a vigência tanto de sintomas vocais quanto de incapacidade para o trabalho e a negação de tais problemas.Os professores priorizam os objetivos do ensino, dos alunos e da sala de aula, em detrimento da própria saúde.Os resultados apresentados podem fornecer pistas para a elaboração de programas de prevenção e de promoção da saúde vocal dos professores.↓La voz es fundamental para el ejercicio de la docencia, requiriendo un intenso y adecuado procesamiento muscular para atender la demanda de la sala de aula.Se han confirmado entre los profesores elevadas prevalencias de trastorno vocal y faltas al trabajo por problemas en la voz.El objetivo de este estudio es comparar las representaciones sociales sobre los trastornos vocales y la forma como se enfrenta el problema, elaboradas por profesores en tratamiento fonoaudiológico.Se realizaron dieciocho entrevistas semi-estructuradas por medio de grupos focales, las cuales fueron sometidas al análisis temático.De forma general, las representaciones sociales sobre los trastornos de la voz y las acciones institucionales a ellas asociadas (gestión y asistencia) influenciaron la declaración, el reconocimiento y el enfrentamiento del problema, visto a veces como disfonía ocupacional, otras veces como enfermedad individual.Se identificó una incongruencia entre la vigencia sea de síntomas vocales sea de incapacidad para el trabajo, y la negación de estos problemas.Convergiendo con la contribución de la literatura, la declaración de los síntomas no es inmediata para su manifestación clínica, o a pesar de declarados o asumidos, tales síntomas son relegados a un segundo plano por los propios maestros.La enfermedad y los síntomas influyen en la capacidad del profesor para responder a las exigencias de la educación y a los requisitos de gestión.La elaboración de programas de prevención y de promoción de la salud vocal se beneficiará si se consideran las representaciones sociales de la disfonía.
其他摘要:The voice is fundamental for teaching, given the intense muscle processing that needs to be properly implemented in order to meet classroom demands. High prevalence of voice disorders and absence from work due to voice problems among teachers have been confirmed. The objective of this study was to compare the social representations regarding voice disorders and coping strategies that teachers undergoing speech therapy describe. Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted by means of focus groups, and the content was subjected to thematic analysis. In a general manner, the social representations regarding voice disorders and the institutional actions that are associated with these disorders (management and assistance) influence how the problem is announced, recognized and coped with, seen now as occupational dysphonia or as individual illness. A paradox between on the one hand, surveillance of vocal symptoms and incapacity for work; and on the other, denial of such problems, was identified. Converging to literature contribution, the symptom statement is not immediate to its clinical expression, or in spite of declared or assumed such symptoms are relegated to the background by teachers themselves. The disease and symptoms influence the teacher's ability to respond to the demands of education and the requirements of management. The development of prevention programs and for promotion of voice health will benefit if considered the social representations of dysphonia. The voice is fundamental for teaching, given the intense muscle processing that needs to be properly implemented in order to meet classroom demands. High prevalence of voice disorders and absence from work due to voice problems among teachers have been confirmed. The objective of this study was to compare the social representations regarding voice disorders and coping strategies that teachers undergoing speech therapy describe. Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted by means of focus groups, and the content was subjected to thematic analysis. In a general manner, the social representations regarding voice disorders and the institutional actions that are associated with these disorders (management and assistance) influence how the problem is announced, recognized and coped with, seen now as occupational dysphonia or as individual illness. A paradox between on the one hand, surveillance of vocal symptoms and incapacity for work; and on the other, denial of such problems, was identified. Converging to literature contribution, the symptom statement is not immediate to its clinical expression, or in spite of declared or assumed such symptoms are relegated to the background by teachers themselves. The disease and symptoms influence the teacher's ability to respond to the demands of education and the requirements of management. The development of prevention programs and for promotion of voice health will benefit if considered the social representations of dysphonia.
关键词:distúrbios da voz;docentes;grupos focais;fonoterapia;trastornos de la voz;docentes;grupos focales;logoterapia