摘要:A partir de uma revisão exploratória da produção acadêmica nacional e internacional e documental no Brasil, este artigo discute o potencial e as possibilidades da Educação a Distância (EaD) no desenvolvimento de processos formativos sobre drogas para professores do ensino fundamental e médio. Tal recorte se justifica pelo acesso e uso de drogas, principalmente o álcool, entre estudantes brasileiros na faixa de 13 a 15 anos e pelo despreparo dos educadores para abordar o tema drogas no contexto escolar. A partir dos achados da revisão, são elencados diversos argumentos sobre as contribuições da formação continuada de professores da rede pública sobre drogas na modalidade EaD, que visam estimular a sua implementação nas unidades de ensino do país.Palavras-chave: Drogas, Educação sobre drogas, Educação a distância, Formação de professores, Formação continuada. Drug Education: Possibilities of Distance Learning Mode in Teacher Training Abstract Based on an exploratory review of national/international academic papers and documentary production developed in Brazil, this article discusses both the potential and possibilities of Distance Education (EaD) in the development of drug training processes for teachers from elementary and middle school. Such perspective is justified by the access and use of drugs, mainly alcohol, by Brazilian students between 13 and 15 years and addresses the lack of preparation of the educators to approach the drugs theme in the school context. Based on the findings of the review, several arguments on the contributions of continuing education of teachers of the public network on drugs in the EaD modality are presented. These results aim to stimulate the EaD implementation in the country's educational units.Keywords: Drugs, Drug Education, Distance education, Teacher trai.
其他摘要:Based on the review of the documentary and academic literature, this article
discusses both the potential and possibilities of Distance Education (EaD) in
the development of drug training processes for teachers from elementary and
middle school. Such perspective is justified by the access and use of drugs,
mainly alcohol, by Brazilian students between 13 and 15 years and addresses
the lack of preparation of the educators to approach the drugs theme in the
school context. Based on the findings of the review, several arguments on the
contributions of continuing education of teachers of the public network on
drugs in the EaD modality are presented. These results aim to stimulate the EaD
implementation in the country’s educational units.
关键词:Drogas;Educação sobre Drogas;EaD;formação de professores;formação continuada.
其他关键词:Drugs; Drug Education; Distance education; Teacher training.