摘要:This study attempted to know the ability of primary school teachers in applying the characteristics of mathematical operations for solving mathematics problems, and the teachers' ability in constructing mathematics problems, in which the characteristics of mathematics operations were properly taken into consideration. The study was carried out in a correlation-descriptive survey design. Four, five, and six teachers of 12 out of 50 primary schools in Kecamatan Sukarami, Kotamadya Palembang were recruited as the subjects of the study. Data were collected by using two written test batteries; one test was about the teachers' ability in solving mathematics problems, the other was on the teachers' ability in constructing mathematics problems. Results of data analysis revealed that the abilities of primary school teachers of Kecamatan Sukarami, Kotamadya Palembang were low in applying mathematical operation characteristics for solving mathematical problems in which the characteristics of mathematics operations were adequately taken into consideration. A significant correlation was also obtained for the two abilities of the teachers.
关键词:Kemampuan; sifat operasi hitung; soal matematika