出版社:Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
摘要:This paper discusses the patrimonial assets generation and decommissioning in public agencies, based on the National Solid Waste Program (NSWP) and Federal Law No. 12.305/2010. From the application of questionnaires, the typology, quantities, storage forms, environmental impacts and human health were evaluated, according to the opinion of the patrimonial agents of public agencies on the accumulation and the disposal process the Unserviciable Solid Waste (USWs). It was identified that the awareness of the servers and students, the commitment of the managers, the implementation of a Solid Waste Management Program, public procurement with quality and the simplification of procedures are relevant in the management of USWs. For the definition of the priority items, it was used the AHP method, based on the criteria: physical space, environmental impact and health, easiness of disposal, state of conservation of the good and model of breakdown, arriving at the conclusion that the information technology equipment should be a priority for the decommissioning. The planning of appropriate storage sites, the commitment of agents and managers, the improvement of legal mechanisms and the maintenance performance are priority actions in the management of USWs of the studied institution.