摘要:This research aimed to identify the effect of work ability, motivation, and Islamic work ethics on the employee performance in Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch. This research was conducted by distributing online questionnaires to the respondents, the Sharia BJB Bank employees in Bekasi branch. This research used the structural equation modeling (SEM) to measure the relationships among three latent variables, i.e. work ability, work motivation, and Islamic work ethic; as well as the relationships between those latent variables and their indicator variables. The SEM model was processed by using PLS software. The research results showed that the work ability significantly influences the employee performance in Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch at 95% confidence level. The research results also showed that work motivation significantly influences the employee performance in Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch. The research results showed that the Islamic work ethic significantly influences the employee performance in Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch. These steps must be maintained, and the management must design the managerial implications to support the employee performance improvement in Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch. This should be synergized, communicated, and coordinated among managements of Head Quarter, Head Branch, and the employees of Sharia BJB Bank in Bekasi branch.
关键词:etika kerja islam; kemampuan kerja kinerja pegawai motivasi kerja; dan kinerja; SEM