摘要:This study aimed to identify and analyze product attributes that affect the quality management of the beef production process in PT. Elders Indonesia, as well as to evaluate the quality management system and food safety management system, and formulate alternative improvement strategies on product attributes that are in line with consumer desires and expectations. The research method used brainstorming to identify product attributes, QFD analysis to determine the specifications of consumer needs and desires, self-assessment for the assessment of the application of SMM and SMKP, HACCP for identification of hazards in the production process, and AHP for the formulation of alternative priority improvement strategies. The results of the study showed that there were 15 attributes that the consumers considered when buying beef in PT. Elders Indonesia. Meanwhile the elements of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management in the production and HACCP food safety management system as a whole have been fulfilled and have been applied well. Based on the identification of critical control points at the process stage, there are 4 critical control points that must be considered by PT. Elders Indonesia. AHP analysis results showed that fat thickness (0.457) is the main improvement priority that must be conducted by the company.
关键词:atribut produk; manajemen mutu; daging sapi; rumah pemotongan hewan