摘要:Microseismic monitoring is an effective method to interpret the morphological parameters of artificial fractures (length, height, and orientation), which is the key to the design of hydraulic fracturing. It is difficult to recognize effective fracture shape after fracturing by using microseismic monitoring data only, which results in a very confusing interpretation of fracture morphology that is quite different from reality. Therefore, in this study, we propose an innovative classification method based on the principal component analysis theory combined with fracturing operation parameters (proppant amount and volume) and derived theoretical formulas for calculating the correction coefficients (volume, length, and height) to optimize and describe fracture patterns finely. By applying 36 wells in Qie‐6 block of the Qinghai Oilfield, the microseismic monitoring events were identified, and the fracture morphology and effective stimulated reservoir volume (ESRV) were corrected. This method is a reliable technology for the interpretation of fracture morphology for field hydraulic fracturing construction.
关键词:communication mode;correction coefficient;microseismic monitoring and correction;Qie‐6 block