摘要:Proactive control reflects a sustained, top-down maintenance of a goal representation prior to task-related events, whereas reactive control reflects a transient, bottom-up goal reactivation in response to them. We designed a manual stop-signal task to isolate electrophysiological signals specifically involved in proactive control. Participants performed a simple choice reaction time task but had to withhold their response to an infrequent stop signal, resulting in go- and stop-signal trials. We manipulated the stop-signal probability (30% vs 10%) over different blocks of trials so that different proactive control levels were sustained within each block. The behavioral results indicated that most participants proactively changed their behaviors. The reaction times in the go trials increased, and the number of response errors in the stop-signal trials decreased. However, the two behavioral measures did not correlate: individuals with an increased delayed reaction did not necessarily manifest a higher decrease in response errors in the stop-signal trials. To isolate the proactive control signal, we obtained event-related potentials (ERPs) locked to an uninformative fixation onset and compared the signals between the two stop-signal probability conditions. We found that the ERPs in the left hemisphere were more negatively shifted with the increasing stop-signal probability. Moreover, ERP differences obtained from a set of electrodes in the left hemisphere accounted for the changes in response errors in the stop-signal trials but did not explain the changes in reaction times of the go trials. Together, the behavioral and electrophysiological results suggest that proactive control mechanisms reducing erroneous responses of the stop-signal trials are different from mechanisms slowing reaction times of the go trials.
关键词:Proactrive Control; stop-signal task; ERP; individual differences; Inhibitory Control