摘要:This benchmarking study aims to examine and discuss the current state-of-the-art techniques for in-video violence detection, and also provide benchmarking results as a reference for the future accuracy baseline of violence detection systems. In this paper, the authors review 11 techniques for in-video violence detection. They re-implement five carefully chosen state-of-the-art techniques over three different and publicly available violence datasets, using several classifiers, all in the same conditions. The main contribution of this work is to compare feature-based violence detection techniques and modern deep-learning techniques, such as Inception V3.
关键词:violence video detection; benchmark video violence; ViF; OViF; MoSIFT; IFV; ConvLSTM; Inception V3; Blobs violence video detection ; benchmark video violence ; ViF ; OViF ; MoSIFT ; IFV ; ConvLSTM ; Inception V3 ; Blobs