摘要:Although religious and spiritual issues regarding Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD) were not thoroughly investigated in the past, this review presents the most recent findings that can provide some scientific evidence about the experience and clinical usage of religious and spiritual beliefs from the perspective of the diagnosed patient, the caregiver-family members, and the health professional. Majority of the papers reviewed (50 out of 51) identified a positive influence of religiousness and spirituality. Thus, this review examines through a detailed analysis the possible pathways of the influence of these perceptions in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of AD. Findings support the paramount importance of religion and spirituality in coping with the diagnosis of this specific type of dementia. Future experimental research should consider these observed benefits with caution and include them in everyday life.
关键词:Alzheimer’s Dementia; Spirituality; Religion; Quality of Life; Caregivers; Patients; Health Professionals