标题:Impact of take-home messages written into slide presentations delivered during lectures on the retention of messages and the residents’ knowledge: a randomized controlled study
摘要:Background: Lectures with slide presentations are widely used to teach evidence-based medicine to large groups.
Take-home messages (THMs) are poorly identified and recollected by students. We investigated whether an
instruction to list THMs in written form on slides would improve the retention thereof by residents, and the
residents’ level of knowledge, 1 month after lectures.
Methods: Prospective blinded randomized controlled study was conducted. Twelve lectures (6 control and 6
intervention lectures) were delivered to 73 residents. For the intervention lectures, the lecturers were instructed to
incorporate clear written THMs into their slide presentations. The outcomes were ability of resident to recollect
THMs delivered during a lecture (as assessed by accordance rate between the lecturers’ and residents’ THMs) and
knowledge (as assessed by multiple choice questions (MCQs)).
Results: Data for 3738 residents’ THMs and 3410 MCQs were analyzed. The intervention did not significantly
increase the number of THMs written on slides (77% (n = 20/26), 95% CI 56–91 vs 64% (n = 18/28), 95% CI 44–81,
p = 0.31) nor THMs retention (13% (n = 238/1791), 95% CI 12–15 vs 17% (n = 326/1947), 95% 15–18, p = 0.40) nor
knowledge (63.8 ± 26.2 vs 61.1 ± 31.4 /100 points, p = 0.75). In multivariable analyses performed with all THMs
written on slides from the two groups, a superior knowledge was associated with notetaking during lectures (OR
1.88, 95% CI 1.41–2.51) and THMs retention (OR 2.17, 95% CI 1.54–3.04); and THMs retention was associated with
written THMs (OR 2.94, 95% CI 2.20–3.93).Conclusions: In lectures delivered to residents, a third of the THMs were not in written form. An intervention based
on an explicit instruction to lecturers to provide THMs in written form in their slide presentations did not result in
increased use of written THMs into the slide presentation or improvement of the THMs retention or level of
knowledge. However, we showed that there was a strong positive association between writing THMs on a slide,
retention of THMs and residents’ knowledge. Further researches are needed to assess interventions to increase
written THMs in lectures by faculty.
Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01795651 (Fev 21, 2013).