摘要:We have constructed global maps of the large-scale magnetic thickness and magnetization of Earth’s lithosphere.Deriving such large-scale maps based on lithospheric magnetic field measurements faces the challenge of the masking effect of the core field.In this study, the maps were obtained through analyses in the spectral domain by means of a new regional spatial power spectrum based on the Revised Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (R-SCHA) formalism.A series of regional spectral analyses were conducted covering the entire Earth.The R-SCHA surface power spectrum for each region was estimated using the NGDC-720 spherical harmonic (SH) model of the lithospheric magnetic field, which is based on satellite, aeromagnetic, and marine measurements.These observational regional spectra were fitted to a recently proposed statistical expression of the power spectrum of Earth’s lithospheric magnetic field, whose free parameters include the thickness and magnetization of the magnetic sources.The resulting global magnetic thickness map is compared to other crustal and magnetic thickness maps based upon different geophysical data.We conclude that the large-scale magnetic thickness of the lithosphere is on average confined to a layer that does not exceed the Moho.