摘要:هدف اصلي اين مقاله، ارائة نوعي سيستم فازي بهمنظور كشف فرصتهاي همافزايي
در شركتهاي مادر (هولدينگها) است؛ بهگونهاي كه با شناسايي فرصتهاي بالقوة هـمافزايـي
ميان شركتهاي وابسته، سيستم اطلاعاتي در سازمان توسعه يابـد. بـه همـين منظـور، پـس از
طراحي ماتريس فازي كشف فرصـتهـاي هـمافزايـي بـر اسـاس سـطح ارتبـاط فعاليـتهـا و
مديريتپذيري اين ارتباطات در شركتهاي وابسته به شركت مادر، جايگـاه تمـام شـركتهـاي
وابسته به شركت مادر در اين مـاتريس مشـخص شـد. بـا توجـه بـه ابهـام در نظـر مـديران و
كارشناسان اين شركتها و كيفيبودن نظر آنهـا، در ايـن مقالـه از متغيرهـاي زبـاني بـه جـاي
متغيرهاي عددي استفاده شده است. متغيرهاي زباني به اعداد فازي ذوزنقـهاي تبـديل شـدند و
سپس عملگر ميانگين فازي براي آنها اعمال شد. در نهايت با توجه بـه امتيازهـاي كسـبشـدة
شركتها در ماتريس همافزايي، فرصتهاي ايجاد و بهبود همافزايي ميان شركتهـا شناسـايي
شد و در اختيار مديران شركتها قرار گرفت.
其他摘要:Interactions between smaller companies in order to share capabilities and weaknesses coverage are very common in holding companies. Although holding value creation by creating synergies among subsidiaries, easy looks but unpleasant practical experiences show that in some organizations the lack of precise identification of opportunities for synergies between the companies, leading to the establishment of relationships between companies that are not only useful, but it can lead to major problems. Accordingly, the main objective of this paper is to provide a fuzzy system is to explore opportunities for synergy in holding, so that the potential opportunities and synergies between related companies specified and the organization existing information system must be developed. Therefore, based on the possible links between the activities and manageability of these relations in associated companies of holding, fuzzy matrix of exploration opportunities for synergy designed and the position of all the subsidiaries to be determined in the matrix. Finally, according to the points earned by firms in synergy matrix, identifying opportunities and improve the synergy between the companies and the managers will be announced.