摘要:The regulating of intellectual property rights until now has not accommodate intellectual property of traditional/native societies.In Purbalingga,there are 9 traditional commodity cluster,with a number of industry as much as 150 UKM and from that number only 4 which has been registered as intellectual property rights.The research will discuss to implementation of protection of intellectual property rights and factors that tend to influence the protection of intellectual property rights in Purbalingga regency.The method that applicated in this research was juridical sociological.Based on the study,local government has made protection to intellectual property rights through socialization to the public.However,there were factors that tend to hamper the protection of intellectual property rights,including law enforcer/officer factors,media and facilities factors,community and cultural factors.In the research,researcher suggested that the local government made a cooperation with central of intellectual property rights in college,considering human resources still relatively didn't understand technical drafting of intellectual property rights registration.
其他摘要:Pengaturan hak kekayaan intelektual hingga saat ini belum mengakomodasi kekayaan intelektual masyarakat asli/tradisional.Di Kabupaten Purbalingga terdapat 9 kluster komoditi tradisional,dengan jumlah industri sebanyak 154 UKM dan baru ada 4 pendaftaran HKI.Penelitian ini membahas implementasi perlindungan HKI dan faktor–faktor yang cenderung mempengaruhi perlindungan HKI di Kabupaten Purbalingga.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis.Berdasar penelitian,pemerintah daerah telah melakukan upaya perlindungan HKI melalui sosialisasi kepada masyarakat.Namun demikian terdapat faktor yang cenderung menghambat perlindungan HKI,meliputi faktor petugas/penegak hukum,faktor sarana dan fasilitas,faktor masyarakat dan faktor budaya.Dalam penelitian ini,peneliti menyarankan agar pemerintah daerah bekerjasama dengan Sentra HKI di perguruan tinggi,mengingat sumber daya manusia yang ada masih relatif belum memahami teknis penyusunan pendaftaran HKI.
关键词:legal protection;intellectual property rights;intellectual property of traditional / native societies
其他关键词:perlindungan hukum;hak kekayaan intelektual;kekayaam intelektual masyarakat asli/ tradisiona